Smart Parking

Smart Parking System

HS Technologies being the development partner of ARH-SSK is proud to offer the state-of-the-Art Ticketless SMART Parking system called VIGILANTE PMS. The VIGILANTE PMS is based on the accurate ANPR cameras that capture every vehicle entering/exiting the parking.

VIGILANTE PMS Ticketless Smart Parking is designed and developed to control the parking lots/Building/Communities through a range of Accurate ANPR cameras, in-ground/surface-mount and overhead indicator vehicle detection sensors. The technology we employ allows us to accurately capture a vehicle’s arrival and departure times through its number plate (Ticketless), relaying this information to backend application called VGS to control the Vehicle access based on:

  • To Control Employee/Tenant Access
  • To control Time based charging.
  • To control long term Access permit.
  • To Control Employee Vehicle Access.
  • To Control Short Term Access Permit.
  • To control Emergency Vehicle Access Permit.
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